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Authorization to use image rights

I authorize the company TECPLAST to reproduce, modify and use still or moving images, fixed within the framework of the promotion and the communication of the company and the products which it markets.

This authorization entitles TECPLAST to make any modifications, adaptations or deletions it deems necessary,

adaptations or deletions it deems useful. The TECPLAST company may in particular use, publish, reproduce

publish, reproduce, adapt or modify it, alone or in combination with other material, by all means, methods or

means, methods or techniques currently known.

This authorization is valid for one use:

- For an indefinite period,

- In all territories: worldwide, all countries,

- on any immaterial medium, known digital media (Bâches Direct, Tecplast website) and material media (catalog...), and by any means

means inherent to this mode of communication, Internet (including Intranet, Extranet, Blogs, Social

social networks), all means of reception (smartphones, tablets, etc.).

I guarantee that I am not bound by any agreement with a third party, of any nature whatsoever, the purpose or effect of which is to limit or prevent the use of the service.

limit or prevent the implementation of this authorization.

This authorization to use still or moving images is granted free of charge.