Toxic plants in the garden: a real danger for pets

Pets, such as dogs and cats, need to go outside from time to time to have fun. Staying alone in a home can be boring. However, once outside, in your garden or during a walk, they are exposed to various threats and some are not the ones we think.
Plants harmful to cats and dogs, it really exists!
Dogs and cats cannot distinguish between all the plants planted in your garden. Some of them are harmful to our pets and must not be present in a bed. Aloe Vera, Lys, Begonias, and many others are part of this list of plants that our little animals are not supposed to frequent.
Aloe vera is excellent for decorating a garden, but it presents a real danger for cats and dogs. Despite its beneficial role for humans, Aloe saponins are one of the sources of vomiting in these animals, but also depression, diarrhea, anorexia and even changes in urine color. At the slightest touch of a broken leaf of Aloe, their skin may become extremely irritated.
Other flowers to avoid planting in your garden
For the safety of your dogs and cats, below is the list of plants to avoid putting in his garden. Apart from Aloe Vera, we can mention chrysanthemum, one of the plants responsible for a number of poisoning of pets. This can trigger hyper salivation, loss of coordination and dermatitis.
In this category of harmful plants, there is also the lily, recognized by its irresistible scent. However, your cat risks kidney failure if, at the time of its toilet, it licks the pollen of the lily that has come to settle on its coat, even for a small amount.
Begonias are also toxic to cats and dogs. Their roots are particularly formidable, and can cause burns and vomiting in your furry companion. It is in fact the juice, present in the fruit, as well as the sap of the begonias that cause these disorders: they indeed contain tiny crystals in the shape of needles particularly toxic when ingested .
In general, remember that liliaceous plants are not really ideal for our four-legged companions: this is the case of the Easter lily, the peace lily, or the oriental stargazer lily.
Opt for plants that your little animals love. Cats especially appreciate catnip, germandrée or valerian, for their sometimes spectacular euphoric power. These cat herbs are still different from the usual «catnip» used to promote purging in your cat.
To go further, here is a non-exhaustive list of the most common toxic plants
- the bay yew
- cherry bay
- oleander
- the cyclamen
- the rhododendron
- the azaleas
- Amaryllidae and Iridaceae (Narcissus, Amaryllis, Iris)
- the thrush
- the seal of solomon
- hyacinth
- the tulip
- garlic, onion and shallot
- the mimosa of japan
- glycine